Ridge Update Feb’23

February 5, 2023

Dear Friends,

I write with two brief Ridge/Northfield updates.

There was a significant snow and windstorm in Northfield on January 23. Mark Given, who periodically walks the Ridge for us, reports that many limbs and some trees fell, but that only two cottages themselves seem to have suffered damage. I have reached out to the two owners whose places were slightly damaged. However, Mark reports that much cleanup will be required and so please be forewarned.

The second newsworthy item is that Thomas Aquinas College has purchased Moore Cottage, the old Post Office building next to it (on Moody Street) and Hibbard Hall (on Winchester Road) from the Moody Center. This purchase includes the land and tennis courts behind Moore Cottage. I personally think that this is excellent news because it ensures that the buildings will be sensitively renovated and kept in excellent repair thereafter. The College has agreed to
allow the tennis courts to be enjoyed by the broader community in exchange for the continuing financial support of the Friends of Northfield Tennis. Lucy Livingston and Doug Denise have
spearheaded that effort for several years and you will doubtless hear from them with more details. I hope that people will continue to contribute generously to keep that important tradition alive!

Enjoy the remaining winter season as we look forward to summer on the Ridge.


Trish White
President Rustic Ridge Association