May 2, 2008
Edward M. Powell, Jr., better known as Ted , passed away May 2, 2008 at the Baystate Franklin Medical Center. Ted was born in Philadelphia, PA December 27, 1923 and lived in Wayne, PA until 1936 at which time his family moved to Northfield, MA .
Ted graduated from Mt. Hermon School in the class of 1942, a school founded in 1881 by his great-grandfather, Dwight L. Moody. He attended Lewiston High School in Maine his sophomore and junior years while his father was associated with Bates College. Ted attended the University of North Carolina before entering the Army Air Force in February, 1943. Following separation from military service in 1945, Ted took over the insurance business of his grandfather, Arthur P. Fitt.
In addition to being well-known and respected in the Northfield’s business community from his insurance business, Ted’s influence and participation was evident in countless other local activities. He was a member of the Mason’s Harmony Lodge in Northfield for over 50 years. Ted’s family heritage and long time Northfield residency served him well as a member of the Historical Commission for the Town of Northfield. Always interested in the welfare of Northfield’s military veterans, Ted was an active member of the American Legion for over 60 years, several times serving as Post Commander. A related interest was manifested in the plaque he received “for over 40 years of service to the Salvation Army Unit and people of Northfield.” Many remember one of his specialties for that organization was to dish out the mashed potatoes at the annual Salvation Army Thanksgiving dinners in Greenfield, a job he performed with great enthusiasm! The Kiwanis Club also found him to be a loyal member of their organization. Serving on the Regional Housing Authority from 1985-1987 gave Ted the opportunity share his managerial talents in the greater Franklin County area and locally with the creation of Squakheag Village.
In civic matters, Ted took great pride in being a lifetime member of the Northfield Fire Department. In addition, he proudly wore, when the occasion arose, his badge as a Special Officer in the Northfield Police Department. On the religious front, Ted was a long time member of the Trinitarian Congregational Church which he served as a Trustee as well as Moderator, among other duties. After years supporting the Cathedral of the Pines in Rindge, NH, Ted was made a Trustee Emeritus of that foundation in September, 1994.
Ted was well known by Northfield’s summer residents from his loyal service as Rustic Ridge Representative for a number of years. As a dedicated alumnus, he willingly served in varying capacities to support his alma mater, the Northfield Mount Hermon School.
Perhaps his favorite role was that of being “Uncle Ted”. One of the plaques on his apartment wall, which was always prominently displayed, read: “Ultimate Uncle -50 years 1953-2003”, a golden anniversary present from his eight nieces and nephews and sixteen grand-nieces and nephews. His car license plate for years read “Unc Ted”, revealing his pleasure in serving in that role.
Ted is survived by his twin brothers and their wives, Jack and Gloria Powell from Sanford, NC and Dave and Lucia Powell from Cheshire, CT. His nieces, nephews and their families include Margaret (McDonald) and Bill Gruen from Bethesda, MD, Bill and Mary McDonald from Portland, OR, Eileen (McDonald) and Ron Helms from Birmingham, AL, David and Barbara McDonald from Grand Rapids, MN, Steve and Maryellen Powell from Keene, NH, Tom and Skeets Powell from Columbus, OH, Tim and Eve Powell from Philadelphia, PA, and John and Heather Powell from Voorheeseville, NY.
A memorial service celebrating Ted’s lifetime of friendship and public service will be held July 8th at 2PM at the Trinitarian Congregational Church .