The President called the meeting to order at 10:05AM, the Clerk read the Call to Meeting, and Ed Moore led a prayer.
It was Moved, Seconded and Passed to accept the minutes of the August 3, 2002 Annual Meeting, as distributed by mail.
The Chair introduced new residents Bill & Katie Young (new Association members), Lisa and Lou Yelle, Diedre Gilmour, Nils Kersgard, and mentioned Faith & Darius Toraby and Mark Given.
In answer to a question, the President announced the By Laws which had been distributed at the beginning of the meeting would be up for discussion and possible vote at next year's Annual Meeting.
The President introduced Gary Sibilia, Northfield Police Chief. Chief Sibila urged residents to contact his department about police matters, not NMH Security. During normal business hours, the non-emergency police number is 625-8200, and 498-5118 is the department's voice mail. Any calls to Northfield 911 must be identified with an address (street, town, state), since the number crosses state borders.
The President reported on a cordial meeting with Richard Mueller, NMH Head, and two associates. Eleven students were expelled during the spring term for vandalism on Ridge cottages.
Audit Committee:
Ed Burdick reported the Treasurer's books are in order.
Treasurer's Report:
Lucia Powell reported on the Association's financial condition. It was Moved, Seconded and Passed to accept her report. Fire extinguishers, which were ordered last year, should be picked up from her cottage. The cost is $32.
Road Maintenance:
Alan Abel gave a eulogy for Elber Stearns, who had been his committee co-chair. Repair/maintenance is scheduled for West Lane, Ledge Way & Mountain Road. Further work will be deferred until completion of these projects.
Lucy Livingston reported she has updated our signs, and will have a new directory constructed at the North end of the Ridge. New "No Trespassing, Private Road" signs will be made and posted on each ridge.
Jonathan Heydenreich, reporting for Elaine Harned, noted the passing of four Ridge residents: Elber Stearns, Nelson Harris and Charles & Marjorie Crain. A book in the memory of each will be donated to the Dickinson Memorial Library.
George Thomas and Dave Powell were commended for their work on the gardens. Help was requested for weeding and other gardening work.
Bob Huber was commended for his work during a particularly difficult winter season. Security guidelines will be updated, and an assistant for Bob will be hired.
Ridge Representative:
Ken Hoff is retiring, and after his report, which included information about town taxes rising, he was thanked for his years of service. Sue Ross, who was appointed as Ken's replacement, also gave a brief report.
Trash Collection:
Warren Snyder reported that Mr. Jordan is again handling our collection, and will take as many small bags as are necessary. If problems occur, Warren should be contacted.
Charitable Gift:
George Thomas reported for the Board that Trinitarian Congregational, Northfield Baptist, St. Patrick's and the Unitarian church would receive contributions for their youth education and/or music programs.
Arrangements for the annual picnic and Ridge-led worship service were announced, and the meeting was adjourned at 12.40 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Marilyn Williams, Clerk