Bob Ziegenhagen, President of the Rustic Ridge Association, Inc. called the meeting to order at 9:45. Mary Snyder, substitute Clerk, stated the Call to Meeting and noted that one vote per cottage was allowed. Associate members do not vote. A quorum was present. Kurt Nelson gave the invocation. Bob made introductions including Leigh Youngblood of Mount Grace Trust, and new member Betty Stafurski. The minutes of the 2006 Annual Meeting were approved.
President´s Report:
Bob Ziegenhagen stated that things are in good order:
Warren Snyder reported that the books are accurate and in good order.
Lucia Powell presented the treasurer´s report for 2006-2007.
Lucia Powell then presented the budget for 2007-2008. It was proposed to change the associate dues to from $10. per person to $20. per family. Dick Young moved that the board be allowed to make a change of no more than $20. Dave Powell seconded the motion and it was approved. The budget was then moved, seconded, and approved.
Community Contributions:
Lucia Powell announced that the 2006-2007 contribution was made to the Northfield Fireman´s Fund and the Boy Scouts of Northfield. The proposed for 2007-2008 contribution is to the Northfield News Letter. It was moved, seconded, and approved.
Elaine Harned led the group in a moment of silence to remember the following members and friends who have died since August 2006: Millie Whitney, Bill Whitney and Rex Baker. A memorial book will be chosen for each member ad placed in the Dickinson Memorial Library.
Lucy Livingston announced two new directory signs. Pamela Reed was recognized for doing the painting, and Phil Livingston for cutting out each house. Carl Bigelow built the shelter for the new sign at the north end of Ridge. The one way sign on Willow is missing. Perhaps we need three signs: one at each end Of Willow and one at the end of West Lane. We will look into metal signs which may be more permanent. Concern was expressed to keep cars from turning right at the end of West thus damaging the steep uphill road.
Lucia Powell reported that new member John Bundas will join the team to care for the gardens. Appreciation was expressed to George Thomas for his work in establishing the garden.
Warren Snyder explained his love of trash. Trash pick up is around 2 PM Saturday. You must use approved yellow bags for all regular trash. Recycling materials should be put in containers (i.e. paper bags) to keep them contained on the truck. Hazardous waste day is Sept. 8. Must pre register by Sept. 3. Information may be obtained at the Town Hall in regard to hazardous waste, bulky waste, stickers, and dump permits.
Alan Abel reported on the various road projects that have been or are being completed. He also mentioned possible projects to be addressed in the coming year and in the future, possibly up to 8 years. Ridge roads represent about 1 1/2 miles. A Ridge work party worked on Cliff Road and Heath Lane in mid July. A second work party will meet on Saturday Aug. 11.
Ridge Representative:
Bob Ziegenhagen reported for Sue Ross that the Schell Bridge project needs funds to move forward. The town will reconsider plans to demolish the bridge if funds continue to come in. Mobil Oil may pull out of town if approval for renovations are not allowed. Community Preservation Act issues can be researched on the web:
School Sale Update:
Dave Powell reported that there are no current offers. NMH is looking at alternatives such as using different parts of the campus for different purposes. There are long term and short term matters. Short term seeks to use the facilities as much as possible. Summer 2007 brought in 4 Ultimate camps, 3 soccer camps, 2 Idol camps. There is hope for return camps next year.
Thank you to Dave Powell and company for the improved condition of the Moore tennis courts.
Pool and Golf
No update on status on golf and pool.
Guest Speaker
Liegh Youngblood Mount Grace Trust gave a report on land conservation and protection. Ridge members are encouraged to become members of the Trust and to become involved.
Charlotte Martin presented the report of the nominating committee. The slate was moved, seconded and approved unanimously.
Meeting Adjourned 11:50AM